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Tribute Matt. 17:24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? 25 He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him. Question; What did Jesus prevent Peter from doing? This word "TRIBUTE" was translated from t he Greek and Latin word "DIDRACHMON" a double drachm and Donnegan's Lexicon continues, "OI DIDRACHMOI" = soldiers whose pay was two drachms per day. "OI" as expressing grief or pain. Conquering armies have always considered it the obligation of their victims to supply them with men to fight OR money to pay for their protection. Since this practice became the custom, the word "Custom" was used as referring to the money paid. Our soldiers give their country tribute and receive tribute money for it. In our Civil War one could pay tribute money, to not serve, which by no coincidence was the same price that Jesus Christ paid. The law was by Moses in Ex. 21:32 and the precedent was set by the first king and judge of the Baby Loan, in Daniel 1:20. Since Daniel and his friends were found to be ten times better than the king's advisers who had made asses of themselves, and the price Moses set for an ass was 30 pieces of silver, it was a matter of charging ten times as much for Daniel and his draft dissenting friends as the king's asses or (advisers): 300 pieces of silver. The amount of tribute that was quoted to Christ in Matt. 22:19 was a penny which in Greek was a "Denarion" a coin valued at ten asses. In Luke 23:2 Christ was found not to give tribute but, in Matt. 17:24 Peter states that Christ did pay tribute money. Thus 10 X 30=300. Notice that Judas was paid only 30 pieces of silver, because they considered Christ no better then an animal or slave as per Ex. 21:32 and Zech. 11:12. Because the Church People were not willing to accept the blame for murdering Christ, they paid Judas to imply that their only wish was to censor Christ and it was an accident that things got out of hand so that Christ was killed. In Matt. 17:24 Those men that questioned Peter were soldiers who had heard of Christ preaching "Love your enemy", and were confused and critical of the fact that Christ did pay their wages, thus supporting wars. Their question put to Peter; "Doesn't your master pay tribute?" was well put, the implication being that since Christ did pay tribute or custom and was supporting the wars in that way, what was the difference between Christ and us soldiers? Why does he criticize us, when he is supporting the wars himself? In verse 25 it says that Jesus prevented Peter; From what? Jesus prevented Peter from thinking that Christ was inconsistent, by asking him this question; "What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? As in Matt. 5:9 Christ states, men that carry out the will of God, "Shall be called the children of God." Therefore, "The children of the king" would mean, men carrying out his cause, or what we term volunteers to his service. Notice that Christ used the word custom from Greek "TELOS" which means, to set out for a definite point or goal, as to buy out with money and the word "OR" suggesting a choice of the tax as custom or tribute, but this word tribute is translated from a different word in Greek "KENSOS" and in Latin "CENSLTW (CENSUS) an enrollment. Therefor Jesus was asking Peter if it wasn't the kings of the earth that gave this choice of paying the custom or enrolling in their service. Christ's further statement in verse 26 after Peter said, Of strangers they take custom or tribute, was, "Then are the children free", meaning that Christ and "The Children of God" were forced to pay to stay out of service or jail. When these soldiers tried to trap Peter in Matt. 17:24, he fell into their trap and inadvertently conceded their point. Christ put Peter straight, but too late to win the argument. Christ on the other hand wasn't tricked so easily. In Matt. 22:16 the Church men took some military men with them, Herodians which was a Roman military cult. Their name comes from Hero which they derive Herod, Hero + d = Hero perfected and those willing to die for it, Hero-di-ans. Their idea was to trap him in front of these witnesses so he could be charged in court. This is the crafty question that there is no answer for, because Christ said, Matt. 6:24 No man can serve two masters. Matt. 22:17 Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? Their implication was not, is it legal to pay taxes, because Christ did pay tribute, Matt. 17:24 , and could simply answer yes. How could they trap him that way? But, if by, to pay tribute we mean taxes and to give tribute we mean give devotion or personal contribution of service, as tribunes were military officers who directed this tribute, then their implication was crafty indeed. They remembered that Christ had said in Matt. 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. 44. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Since it is impossible to follow this kind of advice in mortal combat of war they were right in assuming that Christ would not be able to answer their question without breaking the law of either God or The Roman Government which was represented by the Herodians that were present. Since the answer that Jesus gave, left them speechless, I will answer it now, because it has never been answered. I have the right to consider the instructions of my master, Jesus Christ, as instructions given to me personally, and I will. Matt. 22:18 Christ to us: Why tempt ye me, ye hippocrates? 19. Shew me the tribute money. And we brought unto him a penny. 20. Christ to us: Whose is this image and superscription? 21. We said unto him, Caesar's Oct. 28, 1963 Newsweek story entitled "Caesar's Wife" was not about Julius Caesar at all, but about Jacqueline Kennedy, so implying that Our President was the Caesar. Lincoln was the first American Caesar, because he first seized American boys, just as Julius first seized Roman boys to fight Rome's first Civil War. Both Julius and Lincoln have their image on the penny. Church men think that the penny of the Bible was the Denarius because it had Caesar's image on it, but we don't have to speculate. Our penny gets it's name from; pen, pent, pend, penning; to confine in a narrow limit, from pledge or pawn; the lowest piece in the war game, chess, from peon a foot soldier in Italy or Spain, etc. Thus the boys are penned and pledged and are pawns in a stupid war game. GENEVA CONVENTION, on care of wounded, etc., in war, of delegates from fourteen governments, met October 26, 1863, their code adopted by all civilized powers except the United States, August 1864. The International or "Red Cross" Society, established in consequence, etc. Webster's Dictionary 1864 lists a penny as a coin worth about two cents. We didn't call our cent a penny until after Lincoln's image appeared on it. Lincoln minted a coin in 1864 with the value of a penny, a two cent piece which he took the liberty to change the Motto in Our National Anthem to his own, "In God We Trust". Now since the first American Caesar's Image and Motto, are on the penny it is possible to answer the question put to us by Christ. Since Christ himself told us in Matt. 5:9, that the peacemakers shall be called the children of God, it is obvious that the volunteers or war makers are the children of the Caesar. Then Christ told us to, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's", the children of Caesar. And Christ said; "And render unto God the things that are God's", the peacemakers. The children of God are peacemakers by their own choice. The children of Caesar are war makers by their own choice. Lincoln didn't change our motto, he ignored it and quoted his own, as predicted by Daniel 11:38 But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces: [or munitions from Heb. Mauzzim, or God's protectors] and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and pleasant things. (As for the metal gold, America doesn't have an ounce, and now the silver is almost gone too, and every pleasant thing will be gone if we don't stop this mad course.) Sometimes God will speak through us, without us even being aware of it. For an example, General Hershy was quoted as, "There is gold" in the form of militarily acceptable manpower among the some two million men now classified 1Y. Another quoted him as saying "There is gold in them thar 1 Y hills". The word GOLD comes from it's base GO as in football or hockey. You GO toward the GOAL, then you have achieved your goal or have GOLD. Every man will go through life to achieve his goal, but not all of us do this, but those that do, have gold. This is God's language and you will not find any dictionary that will explain it that way. However, Hershy used it that way and everybody knew what he meant, even though they didn't understand the implication of the base used. To continue, gold is a yellow metal and the expression of calling a man "yellow", when he is afraid, or doesn't want to fight was born out of the idea of getting someone else to fight for you. Their goal was to meddle with others to get them to fight for them. The men of our congress are reflecting the will of our people, who are afraid and not willing to fight, or are yellow, so they meddle with the lives of our children. In carrying out the orders, Hershy's goal is to get them into the army. Thus America's Yellow Gold is what Hershy spoke of. What think you Judge? Is it lawful to be a peacemaker which Christ called a child of God? |